Haruhi doujin search

Doujin pages/images

Main page
Unrated: UNKNOWN


Doujin pack: collection of several doujins, all japanese.

Doujin/CG set/etc.: single download for doujin/CG set.

Translated: download for english translation.

(When there are multiple links, they are alternate downloads for the same thing, so download only one, not all.)

Safe: all ages, no nudity.
Ero: partial/full nudity and/or suggestive situations.
Explicit: explicit sexual content.
Alternative: alternative sexual content (tentacles, futanari, heavy BDSM, etc.)


Upload an image or thumbnail to find the doujin/CG set it is from:

Source URL

If you find a doujin that isn't listed yet, or a dead link, or a new link for something, please report it in the IRC channel.

Contact: piespy in #iqdb@irc.rizon.net.